Source code for pymedextcore.doccanosource

from .source import Source
from .connector import *

[docs]class DoccanoSource(Source,APIConnector): """ Connection to DoccanoClient This code is largely inspired of work """ def __init__(self, baseurl, username, password): """Initialize a Doccano Client :param baseurl: the entrypoinr of the url :param username: a username :param password: a password """ super().__init__(baseurl, username, password)
[docs] def get_me(self) -> requests.models.Response: """Gets this account information. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get('v1/me')
[docs] def get_features(self) -> requests.models.Response: """Gets features. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get('v1/features')
[docs] def get_project_list(self) -> requests.models.Response: """Gets projects list. :return:requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get('v1/projects')
[docs] def get_user_list(self) -> requests.models.Response: """ Gets user list. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get('v1/users')
[docs] def get_roles(self) -> requests.models.Response: """ Gets available Doccano user roles. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get('v1/roles')
[docs] def get_project_detail( self, project_id: int ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Gets details of a specific project. Args: project_id (int): A project ID to query. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}'.format( project_id=project_id ) )
[docs] def get_project_statistics( self, project_id: int ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Gets project statistics. Args: project_id (int): A project ID to query. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/statistics'.format( project_id=project_id ) )
[docs] def get_label_list( self, project_id: int ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Gets a list of labels in a given project. Args: project_id (int): A project ID to query. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/labels'.format( project_id=project_id ) )
[docs] def get_label_detail( self, project_id: int, label_id: int ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Gets details of a specific label. Args: project_id (int): A project ID to query. label_id (int): A label ID to query. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/labels/{label_id}'.format( project_id=project_id, label_id=label_id ) )
[docs] def get_document_list( self, project_id: int, url_parameters: dict = {} ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Gets a list of documents in a project. Args: project_id (int): url_parameters (dict): `limit` and `offset` :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/docs{url_parameters}'.format( project_id=project_id, url_parameters=self.build_url_parameter(url_parameters) ) )
[docs] def get_document_detail( self, project_id: int, doc_id: int ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Gets details of a given document. Args: project_id (int): A project ID to query. doc_id (int): A document ID to query. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/docs/{doc_id}'.format( project_id=project_id, doc_id=doc_id ) )
[docs] def get_annotation_list( self, project_id: int, doc_id: int ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Gets a list of annotations in a given project and document. Args: project_id (int): A project ID to query. doc_id (int): A document ID to query. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/docs/{doc_id}/annotations'.format( project_id=project_id, doc_id=doc_id ) )
[docs] def get_annotation_detail( self, project_id: int, doc_id: int, annotation_id: int ) -> requests.models.Response: """ """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/docs/{doc_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}'.format( project_id=project_id, doc_id=doc_id, annotation_id=annotation_id ) )
[docs] def get_doc_download( self, project_id: int, file_format: str = 'json' ) -> requests.models.Response: """ """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/docs/download?q={file_format}'.format( project_id=project_id, file_format=file_format ) )
[docs] def get_rolemapping_list( self, project_id: int, ) -> requests.models.Response: """ """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/roles'.format( project_id=project_id ) )
[docs] def get_rolemapping_detail( self, project_id: int, rolemapping_id: int, ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Currently broken! """ return self.get( 'v1/projets/{project_id}/roles/{rolemapping_id}'.format( project_id=project_id, rolemapping_id=rolemapping_id ) )
[docs] def post_doc_upload( self, project_id: int, file_format: str, file_name: str, file_path: str = './', ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Uploads a file to a Doccano project. Args: project_id (int): The project id number. file_format (str): The file format, ex: `plain`, `json`, or `conll`. file_name (str): The name of the file. file_path (str): The parent path of the file. Defaults to `./`. :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ files = { 'file': ( file_name, open(os.path.join(file_path, file_name), 'rb') ) } data = { 'file': ( file_name, open(os.path.join(file_path, file_name), 'rb') ), 'format': file_format } return 'v1/projects/{project_id}/docs/upload'.format( project_id=project_id ), files=files, data=data )
[docs] def post_approve_labels( self, project_id: int, doc_id: int ) -> requests.models.Response: """ """ return 'v1/projects/{project_id}/docs/{doc_id}/approve-labels'.format( project_id=project_id, doc_id=doc_id ) )
def _get_any_endpoint( self, endpoint: str ) -> requests.models.Response: """ """ # project_id: int, # limit: int, # offset: int return self.get(endpoint)
[docs] def exp_get_doc_list( self, project_id: int, limit: int, offset: int ) -> requests.models.Response: """ """ return self.get( 'v1/projects/{project_id}/docs?limit={limit}&offset={offset}'.format( project_id=project_id, limit=limit, offset=offset ) )
### Other mehods :
[docs] def create_project(self, name: str, description: str, project_type: str, guidelines: str) -> requests.models.Response: """ Creats a project :param name: name of the project :param description: description of the project :param project_type: type of project ("SequenceLabeling", "DocumentClassification" or "Seq2seq" :return: """ mapping = {'SequenceLabeling': 'SequenceLabelingProject', 'DocumentClassification': 'TextClassificationProject', 'Seq2seq': 'Seq2seqProject'} data = { 'name': name, 'project_type': project_type, 'description': description, 'guideline': guidelines, 'resourcetype': mapping[project_type] } return 'v1/projects', data=data )
[docs] def create_label(self, project_id: str, label_name: str, color: str, prefix : str, suffix : str) -> requests.models.Response: """ Adds a label to an existing project :param self: DoccanoClient :param project_id: the project id :param label_name: the text of the label :return: """ if color is None : r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255) color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(), r(), r()) elif color == "rouge": color = "#E84B3C" elif color == "vert": color = "#2ECC70" elif color == "orange": color = "#F39C19" elif color == "violet": color = "#8E43AD" elif color == "jaune": color = "#F2C511" elif color == "bleu": color = "#3398DB" else : r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255) color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(), r(), r()) data = { 'text': label_name, 'background_color': color, 'prefix_key': prefix, 'suffix_key': suffix } return 'v1/projects/{project_id}/labels'.format( project_id=project_id), data=data )
[docs] def set_rolemapping_list(self, project_id: str, user_id: str, role_id: str, username: str, rolename: str ) -> requests.models.Response: """ Set users roles :param self: DoccanoClient :param project_id: :param user_id: :param role_id: :param username: :param rolename: :return: requests.models.Response: The request response. """ data = { #'id':rolemapping_id, 'user': user_id, 'role': role_id, 'username': username, 'rolename': rolename } return 'v1/projects/{project_id}/roles'.format( project_id=project_id ), data=data )
[docs] def get_user_id(self, username: str ) : """ Get the user id with the username :param self: :param username: :return: the userid """ user_list = self.get_user_list().json() i=0 el = user_list[i] while el['username'] != username and i < len(user_list) : el = user_list[i] i += 1 if el['username'] == username : return el['id'] else : return "No such a username (" + username + ") exists."
[docs] def get_project_id(self, project_name :str ): """ Get the project id with the project name :param self: :param project_name: :return: the project id """ project_list = self.get_project_list().json() i=0 el=project_list[i] while el['name'] != project_name and i < len(project_list) : el = project_list[i] i +=1 if el['name'] == project_name : return el['id'] else : return "No such a project name (" + project_name + ") exists."
[docs] def get_label_id(self, project_id: int, label_name: str ): """ Get the label id with the label name :param project_id: id of the project :param label_name: text of the label :return: id of the label """ labels_list = self.get_label_list(project_id).json() i=0 el=labels_list[i] while el['text'] != label_name and i < len(labels_list): el = labels_list[i] i += 1 if el['text'] == label_name : return el['id'] else : return "No such a label name (" + label_name + ") exists in project " + str(project_id) + "."
[docs] def find_project_id(self, regex : str, date : str, time : str): """Finds project id with a item (specific to scanner-covid project). If item is not enough to find the project id, date and time can be used. :param regex: item of interest :param date: date of the project :param time: time of the project :return: a project id """ list_of_matches = [] list_project_names = [dict_project['name'] for dict_project in self.get_project_list().json()] for name in list_project_names : if, name) is not None: list_of_matches.append(self.get_project_id(name)) if len(list_of_matches) > 0 : if len(list_of_matches) > 1 : if date is None: print("Several projects exist with this regex expression (" + regex + "). Please enter the date and/or the time to select the good one.") else : list_of_matches_with_date = [] for id in list_of_matches : if, self.get_project_detail(id).json()['name']) is not None : list_of_matches_with_date.append(id) if len(list_of_matches_with_date) > 0 : if len(list_of_matches_with_date) > 1 : if time is None : print("Several projects exist with this regexp expression (" + regex + ") and this date (" + str(date) +"). Please enter the time to select the good one.") else : list_of_matches_with_date_and_time=[] for id in list_of_matches_with_date: if, self.get_document_detail(id).json()['name']) is not None : list_of_matches_with_date_and_time.append(id) if len(list_of_matches_with_date_and_time) > 0 : if len(list_of_matches_with_date_and_time) > 1 : return "Several projects (", list_of_matches_with_date_and_time, ") with exactly the same name" else : return list_of_matches_with_date_and_time[0] else : return "No project found." else : return list_of_matches_with_date[0] else : return "No project found." else : return list_of_matches[0] else : return "No project found."